Thursday, January 8, 2015

The balance between freedom and free for all.

One of my geldings a little on the tubby side
Severely emaciated carriage horse in third world country.
Emaciated carriage horse formerly working in downtown Atlanta Georgia
Amish carriage horse at a healthy weight and perfect fit condition.

Just exactly when did we lose sight of the difference between freedom and free for all? Since when did common sense become so uncommon? Why does every issue have to be hard right or hard left? Yet I believe in each of us that ability to follow ones gut reaction is still there. I share this four pictures of carriage horses as an example. 

While looking at horse #1 and you probably think he could use a little more exercise. Nothing more, nothing less. When you look at the picture of the next horse with its severely emaciated condition it makes the whole picture scream of exploitation. Everything from the size of the vehicle it is pulling in that poor of condition to the gaudy pink body dye. It makes you either mad, or sad, or both just looking at it. Some of us will stop there and reserve judgement because of the fact that it is in a third world country. The realization that the driver likely has missed as many meals as the horse has, and that desperate people live in desperation. 

However...The third horse's picture was taken in a major city in the USA. In our admittedly rich country. That for most of us lends a whole different feel to the situation. Nothing offends our sensibilities quite like the reality of a probably overweight owner making money off of an obviously skinny undernourished horse. While the humans circumstances may not make a difference to the hungry horse, the difference to anyone with a strong moral compass will find it far more offensive than the previous photo taken in a poor country.

Looking at the last horse in the series all we can feel is admiration. The horse is clearly well nourished. Fit without a sign of missing a meal, and frankly "the picture of health". It shows from his gleaming hair coat to his lively expression. I believe people feel good when they look at this photo. Our "gut" tells us all is good. Better than good, very good. 

Then explain this. Why is that we likely all agree on this yet those on one side of the the isle wants ZERO oversight, a 100% free for all, and everyone to be welcome to do as they please on the premise of "personal property". Not only that we should also defend the bad players in the name of solidarity. The opposite side would wish to demonize all four photo's as the same thing based on the fact that all four horses are in harness. To those from that camp that is akin to "slavery and bondage".Somehow to them WORK is a four letter word, and especially if an animal is doing it.(they have no choice you see)and convict all four as one and the same "evil" thing. Which they clearly are not.  

Why do we no longer seem to know that with a healthy dose of common sense sensible things are born? What happened to independent thought? What happened to looking at things on an individual basis? Why are some so willing to convict all on nothing more than the common association while others will defend the indefensible even when they themselves are examples of excellence? None of it makes any "horse sense" 

It's a crazy world we live in and it seems its getting crazier by the year. Common sense isn't so common anymore, and people can't even distinguish the difference between "animal rights" and "animal welfare".Too many people seem to have lost sight of the fact that there needs to be a balance between freedoms and free for alls.

None of this is rocket science and its time we started trusting our guts and work towards coming back to our senses, and making some sense.          

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