Monday, December 29, 2014

The Purpose

First off I would like to explain this blogs purpose. I am here to talk about animal rights and those who are like minded. Not every animal rights mindset is from some wack job who wants to throw blood on your grandma for wearing fur, or wave placards with downed horses on them in the faces of people boarding a carriage ride in a major city, but both kinds of extremists are out there (in every sense of the words "out there"), and most visible in places like New York, and other large cities.

What I would like to talk about most is the more subtle infiltration of this kind of mind set that has crept into mainstream Americas hearts and minds. I really want to dicuss the wrongheadedness of it, and how it is destructive to society as a whole. I want to help clear up the blurred lines between animal welfare and animal rights and why its so important that we know the difference. Lastly I hope that by discussing this ever growing strange phenomena that we all walk away with a more sensible way of looking at animal ownership in America.

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